What’s your company star rating?
There are a few dimensions to think about when this question comes up. But this will soon lead you to one of the vital resources in your company: people. Growth, development and profitability of a company are in a direct dependent relationship with the high levels of commitment and employee professionalism.
Do your employees perceive their involvement in the company only as a job, or are they deeply attached to the work they do and to the organization’s values? Take a quick look at the 5 Star model (Ken Carrig & Patrick Wright, 2006) and identify your company ranking:
The 5 Star model is an international guide widely applied in leading companies around the world.
We customized the 5 Star instrument in order to easily identify and improve the employee satisfaction level, through a series of well defined activities, simple to implement and with our ongoing support.
In the 5 Star program we’ll evaluate and enhance 5 main dimensions:
- DIRECTION AND SUPPORT FROM MANAGEMENT - Top Management defines and communicates the vision, mission and company objectives to employees, and then creates an optimum work environment for implementing them.
- RELATIONSHIP WITH THE DIRECT SUPERIOR - The way in which employees are treated by their direct superiors affects their beliefs and attitudes
- REWARD SYSTEM - A reward and appreciation system that successfully identifies the best performances and offers financial and non-financial rewards to the employees for their performances, directly affects the company’s results.
- QUALITY OF LIFE - Employees wish to evolve, to grow, to be rewarded for their work and to find ways to balance their private and professional life.
- ENGAGEMENT AND INVOLVEMENT - Employees must be included in many aspects of the business, have access to information about the organization’s performance and challenges.
Process steps:
- Discussion with the management
- Application of the 5 STAR instrument, using individual questionnaires
- Individual interviews – Identifying the company strenghts and weaknesses, as seen by the employees
- Quantitative processing of data from the questionnaires
- Elaborating the report – qualitative processing of the results obtained from questionnaires and interviews
- Presenting the report to the top management
- Communicating the results to the employees
The implementation time can vary between 30 and 60 days, depending on the number of employees assessed and the client's involvement in the process.
Once the evaluation process is done, we deliver an action plan that is meant to improve the employee satisfaction level, taking into consideration the weak points revealed through the diagnosis.
As an example, for a production company of 250 employees, we worked for 1 month on the diagnosis process and then, together with the company management, we implemented an improvement action plan for the rest of the year. The results after the first reassessment revealed the positive impact of the intervention based on the 5 Star model: higher scores were registered on all the targeted dimensions. As positive results came out after the first implementation, we continued to put the process in place every year since 2014. From that time until now the company's global score went from 2 to 3 stars and two of the main targeted dimensions increased from 3 to 5 stars. Higher scores were reflected in a higher level of employee satisfaction, engagement and retention. Seeing measurable results from one year to another, the company management decided to keep the process going every year.
In order to have the measurable results, both the assessment and the action plan should be implemented as planned, with the active and close implication of the company management.
If you want your company to grow, start with paying attention to your people's needs!