“Measure twice, cut once,” goes the proverb. There is no progress without change. And there is no change without an accurate image of the current state of human resources. What are your company’s goals, and what are its strengths and weaknesses? How do we intend to improve the weaknesses and to make the most of your strengths? Are both parties committed to change? How will we implement the measures that trigger change? How will we monitor and assess the results?

This is how change starts. By asking the right questions, which help us understand where we are, where we could be and how to get there.


“Choose a job that’s right for you, and you won’t have to work one single day of your life,” goes an old saying. When you do the right job, you don’t feel it’s work. But, beside choosing the right career, choosing the work place is at least equally important for the employees’ satisfaction. You can have the right job in the wrong place. This is why it is important to know whether the employees are satisfied with their working conditions, salary and benefits. How does the relation with one’s supervisor work, and how well do the team members communicate? What are the prospects for promotion? This is a project to be implemented in the whole organization, which involves first a questionnaire designed to measure employees’ satisfaction levels, then a questionnaire identifying motivational factors, and continues with structured interviews.

The outcomes include a better understanding of the factors influencing the employees’ performance, an objective perspective provided by HR experts and identifying the employees’ developmental needs. Briefly, an efficient company.


When people who leave companies are asked why they had decided to leave, most answers will surprise us by referring not to unsatisfactory wages, but to conflicts produced by misunderstandings and differences regarding supervisors’ expectations.

One of the most efficient ways to ensure greater clarity regarding the company’s expectations is creating correct and appropriate job descriptions. This process involves work analysis (based on observation and talks with the employee) and organigram analysis. We will use observation charts, interview charts and job descriptions to help our clients recruit the right persons and assess the goals and expected outcomes of the job accurately.

This leads to increased clarity and transparency regarding the objectives and responsibilities of the position for the employee.


“A chain is as strong as its weakest link” is a common metaphor in organizational management. To improve the company’s efficiency, it is essential to know both who our top employees are, and whose performance is average or poor. Only by analyzing individual performance can we conceive a customized developing plan for each employee, which would eventually lead to the team’s progress. The process of assessing employees’ performance starts from identifying and adjusting expectations from both the employee and the employer, which allows for monitoring the extent to which they have been met.

Narrative assessment forms containing open questions, implemented every three months, identify the expectations of both parties and help set goals to be periodically monitored.

Outsourcing Integra HR 

The most complex product we offer, Outsourcing HR is an efficient system for managing human resources, including:

Auditing HR processes and diagnosing organizational culture

Suggesting a plan for HR policies and strategy

Implementing the strategy, based on the following critical processes

          a. work analysis

          b. satisfaction assessment

          c. performance assessment

          d. implementing a solutions for employees’ development

          e. managing the relationship between employers and employees